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Coaches Duties and powers

Rules to play Wheelchair Basketball


Coaches Duties and powers

At least 20 minutes before the game is scheduled to begin, each coach or his representative shall give the scorer a list with the names and corresponding numbers and classification points of the team members who are eligible to play in the game, as well as the name of the captain of the team, the coach and the assistant coach. All team members whose names are entered on the scoresheet are entitled to play, even if they arrive after the beginning of the game.

At least 10 minutes before the game is scheduled to begin, each coach shall confirm his agreement with the names and corresponding numbers and classification points of his team members and the names of the coaches by signing the scoresheet. At the same time, they shall indicate the 5 players who are to start the game. The coach of team A shall be the first to provide this information.

Team bench personnel are the only persons permitted to sit on the team bench and remain within their team bench area.The coach or the assistant coach may go to the scorers table during the game to obtain statistical information only when the ball becomes dead and the game clock is stopped.


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