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Evangelos Katsioulis

Smartest People Of All Time


Evangelos Katsioulis

Greek doctor Evangelos Katsioulis made headlines in his home country when he won the World Genius Directory s 2013 Genius of the Year Awards. According to the site, Katsioulis IQ is a remarkable 198. He apparently scored 205 on the Stanford Binet scale with a standard deviation of 16, which is on par with 258 on the Cattell scale with a standard deviation of 24 and 198 on the Wechsler scale with a standard deviation of 15. Born in Ioannina in 1976, Katsioulis studied at Greece s Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, earning an M.Sc. in medical research and technology, a master s degree in philosophy, and a Ph.D. in psychopharmacology. In 2001 he formed the World Intelligence Network IQ society. He is currently a member of 28 IQ societies, including the exclusive Giga Society. Only 1 in 30 billion people will match his intelligence levels.


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