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Rules to play Broomball



1. May use a broom.
2. Can use their hands and may catch and or freeze the ball as long as some part of their body is in the crease. If completely out of the crease and ball is frozen, an indirect shot is awarded to the opponent at the spot of the infraction. If the goalie elects to freeze the ball, a faceoff should take place at the closest faceoff circle. If faceoff circles are not available, award an indirect shot to the opposing team at center ice.
3. The goalie may not roll or throw the ball out of their own half of the ice without another player from either team touching the pass before the center line. If this occurs, possession of the ball will be given to the opponent at center ice for an indirect shot.
4. A goalie leaving the crease loses all goalie privileges.
5. Goalie may wear a softball or baseball glove. Hockey goalie trappers and blockers are not allowed. A helmet with a facemask is required and will be provided. Goalies have first priority towards helmets with a facemask.
6. The goalie may be pulled or put back into goal at any time, as long as the officials have been notified.


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