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Vitamins and Minerals in Ugli Fruit

Benefits of Ugli fruits


Vitamins and Minerals in Ugli Fruit

Ugli tangelos, like most other citrus fruit, are probably best known for being loaded with Vitamin C and when eaten, its high fiber content. One ugli fruit can contribute up to 70% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C. Falling under the category of calming foods the ugli fruit have much to offer in the way of healthy nutrients. In addition to its high vitamin C content, the ugli contains similar nutrients toother citrus fruits with an important difference interestingly, furanocoumarins which are generally found in grapefruit (and which many doctors believe may interfere with some medications) do not appear in the ugli. Also,the ugli fruitappears to be more palatable for people who have an aversion to oranges.


Helps prevent cardiovascular disease
Healthy for Skin
Ugli fruits
Rich in Vitamin B
Fights Cardiovascular Disease
Vitamins and Minerals in Ugli Fruit
Diseases such as cancer
Can be used in salads
Vitamin C
How to prepare
Additional Benefits
Where is Ugli Fruit Cultivated
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