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Regulates Acid Levels in the Stomach

Benefits of Gooseberry


Regulates Acid Levels in the Stomach

Regular consumption of amla is very good for your stomach, as it balances the acids levels of stomach and thus improving digestion. Gooseberries supply other vitamins and minerals that offer health benefits. Ensminger reports that gooseberries contain a high concentration of vitamin A for eye health, with 435 International Units, or IUs, in each 1 cup serving, or over 48 percent of the vitamin A requirement for men and 62 percent of the recommendation for women.


How to use amla to enjoy its many benefits
Immunity System
Treatment of Gastric Disorders
Amla Recipe
Historical Uses
Preservation of Amla Juice
Anti ageing Effects
Importance of Amla in Ayurveda
Sacred Importance of Indian Gooseberry
Get Glowing Skin with an Amla Facial Scrub
Blood Purifier
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