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Ayurvedic Medicine



Garlic (E), La´suna (H):

The delicious bulbs of this annual are a veritable herbal panacea. Ayurveda focuses on its positive digestive effect when there is cold and sluggishness, but warns of its inappropriate use in times of emotional stress and environmental heat. Rasona means 'lacking a taste', derived from rasa meaning 'taste' and una meaning 'lacking', as it lacks the sour taste.

Digestion Garlic is a classic folk medicine used for gastric disturbances— flatulence, worms, parasites, infections, dysentery, typhoid, food poisoning, Candida albicans. Its ability to remove pathogenic bacteria without depleting the body's natural flora takes it a step beyond being just a 'herbal antibiotic'. As it cleans the intestinal flora it may increase wind for a few days. It is useful whenever there is a disturbance of kledaka kapha or apana vayu in the intestines as it clears both mucus and gaseous distension. It can also stimulate a sluggish liver. Lungs The little white bulbs have a potent therapeutic effect on the lungs; the volatile oils actually appear on the breath having cleaned the bronchioles and alveoli. It is strongly decongestant. As a rejuvenative for vata it encourages the free flow of breath, specifically udana and pranavayu. As an expectorant it can help to clear wet and sticky mucus. A very useful cold remedy with classic kapha symptoms; catarrh, heavy feeling, sluggishness, loss of appetite, shivering, aching limbs, myalgia. Garlic helps to expel the congestion and ama by inducing diaphoresis. Immunity It enhances the body's immunity as well as directly removing pathogens. It can be both a prophylactic and a cure for many infections. Heart It directly benefits the heart by reducing kapha and ama in the rasa, rakta and medas dhatus and this has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol and reducing clotting; potential use in thrombosis and varicose veins. Its inclusion in a preventative regime to reduce the chances of atherosclerosis in kapha and vata types seems wise. As a circulatory stimulant it warms the whole body. This regulatory effect on the circulation and the arteries is further demonstrated by either lowering or raising blood pressure depending on the condition; it balances, restores and regulates. External With kapha–vata skin disorders garlic is very useful as a paste or oil; ringworm, fungal infections, ear infections. An external oil rub may benefit arthritis, sciatica, oedema.


Vamsa Lochana
Safed Musali
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