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Avoid petty competition and departmental rivalry

How to Get a PhD


Avoid petty competition and departmental rivalry

Academic departments can be competitive and cutthroat environments. With everyone competing for the same grants, awards, and respect, it can get ugly fast. Try your best to stay out of departmental politics, and make an active effort to reach out to others and collaborate. Put your head down and do your work. No matter how smart you may be, how great a teacher, or researcher, you will need the help of others in your research.


Obtain experience in the field with a research internship
Write a statement of purpose
In the sciences
Start researching graduate programs in your junior year
Secure letters of recommendation from people familiar with your work
Submit a plan of study
Begin performing research and collecting data
Apply for private research grants
Complete your written examination
Apply for departmental grants or additional appointments
Consider crowd funding options
Explore the literature in your research field
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