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Look Behind Bad Behavior

Ways to Be a Better Parent


Look Behind Bad Behavior

At some point your child will break every rule you make. But if you react to each infraction with the same show of disapproval Mommys mad; hes in the time-out chair he may not reach an understanding of what prompted the rule-breaking behavior in the first place.
Simply put, your childs misbehavior is a direct result of the fact that he cannot control his emotions and it is one of parents most important tasks to teach their children how to do just that. Your child doesnt whine and have temper tantrums because he is trying to manipulate you. He isnt purposely being bad, says Pantley, who calls emotion-fueled outbursts on the part of very young children biologically, psychologically, and absolutely normal.
So while you may well impose the appropriate disciplinary measure (that time-out, for instance), a calm and compassionate conversation is important too. Ask your child questions, and provide suggestions, Pantley suggests: Your sister is crying because you took her bear. What will make her feel better? Do you think you can help her bear give her a hug?


Schedule daily special time
Look Behind Bad Behavior
Savor the moments
Discipline without spanking
Be vigilant about safety
Compliment your kid more
Gross Them Out
Set up a gratitude circle every night at dinner
Read books together every day
Give appropriate praise
Let your kids place an order
Choose your battles
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