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Ways To Live Differently



The percentage of people who never see the outside world is staggering. If you want to understand how the world works, you need to get outside your bubble.


Make yourself wealthy not someone else
Work for 90 minutes max
Stop commuting 9 to 5
Become cell phone free
Dont rely on the government
Stop eating food thats killing you
Stand dont sit
Refuse planned obsolescence
Go minimalist
Do you
Cut your cable
Stop push notifications
More ...

Test your English Language
Chhath Puja Celebration
Benefits of Collard
Benefits of Cumin
Tips to get ready for Winter
Weird Animals
Cool Things You Might Want To Own This Winter
Benefits of Kale
Swami Vivekanand
What to Eat in Sikkim
Creepy and Funny Looking Birds
Most Beautiful Christian College and University Campuses in the World
Ellora Caves
Sachin 100
What to Eat in Assam
What to Eat in Madhya Pradesh
Benefits of Cumin
Benefits of Curry Leaves
Benefits of Custard Apple