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Ways To Live Differently


Stop push notifications

Why do you get alerts every time someone comments on Facebook, sends you spam, or likes your Instagram picture? If you want to be productive, check these means of communication on your own terms and turn off all push notifications on your phone.


Think Big
Stop commuting 9 to 5
Take up a hobby
Stop drinking bottled water
Go Internet Free
Go minimalist
Untrain your mind
Stand dont sit
Cut your cable
Explore medical tourism
Only buy stuff you can afford
More ...

Test your English Language
Jogging Tips and Guidelines
Snow White
Strangest New Years Traditions
BIG bucket list Adventures
Most Expensive Bikes in The World
Rules to play Logrolling
Best Cars for Winter
Salaries of WWE Superstars
Tips to get ready for xmas
Rules to play Kayaking
Precautions while using Facebook
Fitness Tips
Weird cars in the world
Most Charming Alpine Towns
Naturally Beautiful
Nelson Mandela
Never seen Water Like This