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Get help when you need it

I never had any formal training in writing. When I started writing my eBay books it showed. I would get email from readers pointing out mistakes in my books. Finally I realized that I needed help.Fortunately my son had recently married a British lady who was a very good writer. I hired her to do edit and format my books. I still never got any formal training, but my writing improved just by looking at the corrections she would do in my books. Over time, she was making fewer and fewer corrections as my writing improved. Do I still make the occasional error of course I do and my readers still point them out . But now my books have a professional, yet personal look and feel that I strive for.


Network Network Network
The Measuring Stage
Be recognizable to your customers
Watch For Your Break Even
Understand the buyers journey
Build Discipline
Turbo charge your customer service
Establish an expert reputation for yourself
Going it alone
The Excitement Stage
Have a Plan
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