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Tips to get ready for xmas



With memories of the holidays fresh in our minds, theres no better time to create a simple record of what worked and what did not this holiday season. Answering a few simple questions in writing preserves the actual state of your household's holiday and gives you the information you need to craft a better plan for next year. Print a copy of our debriefing worksheet, and take a few minutes to answer the questions it poses. Next year when you begin planning for the holidays, you'll be able to avoid the seasonal potholes and repeat the years successes.


Back to school sales
Family cookbook
Make Time for You
Fill Up the Freezer
Tie up memories
Go caroling
Garden gifts
Make Christmas baked goodies
Start Watching for Sale Items
Approximately one week before Christmas purchase perishable food stuffs
Start a Christmas Club account at a bank or credit union
More ...

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