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Start Watching for Sale Items

Tips to get ready for xmas


Start Watching for Sale Items

If you don't subscribe to the Sunday paper, you might want to pick one up over the next few months. Set aside 10 minutes every Sunday to glance through the ads and coupons. If you find an item on your list, snag it while it's on sale. Otherwise, what's probably going to happen is that you'll run to the store on the 24th and pay too much on a gift you don't want to buy.Our personal goal is to have all our Christmas shopping done by the last day of November. That way we don't have to fight against the holiday crowds.


Watch a Christmas special 10 or 100
Go caroling
Put up your Christmas tree
Search the Internet or library for Christmas carol sheet music
Back to school sales
Approximately one week before Christmas purchase perishable food stuffs
Start a countdown
Bust out the seasonal drinks and food
Choose an organizing plan
Create a gift list idea for other people
More ...

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