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Route Plan

Tips to get ready for Long Drive


Route Plan

The biggest killers on the road are fatigue and alcohol. Before you depart you should quickly research a rough plan of your route including the driving times and distances. If you will be stopping to sightsee en route you should plan a maximum of four hours of driving in a day. If you have a long distance driving day you should plan to have a non-driving day afterwards to recover. Make sure you do not drink alcohol and drive.Allow an extra day or two so you can be flexible if you decide to stay longer in a place or decide to break a longer drive into two shorter driving days, or if something unexpected occurs. Also do some initial research into sightseeing options along the way so you know where you are interested to visit and can build these into your plan.Online tools such as Google Maps enable you to quickly put together a route plan.


Choose your seat once you get in the car
Pack your suitcase a few days before the trip
Pack an additional carry on bag
Enjoy Your Road Trip
Check everything one last time before you leave
Drive to your destination
Prepare the car
Create a list of things to bring
Choose the right car
Route Plan
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