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Choose the right car

Tips to get ready for Long Drive


Choose the right car

Ensure your car is serviceable before you depart. This means that your car should be within its servicing period, and the oil and filter should have been changed recently. All of the water reservoirs should also be full. Check your tyres to ensure they will remain within their wear limits during your trip and purchase and install new tyres if required.If you will be driving a long distance also consider getting your wheels aligned before you go as this will save on tyre wear later on. If you drive on any unsealed roads while you travel you should also plan to get the wheels aligned again after you return (lesson learnt from our road trip last year we did not do this step and had to replace all four relatively new tyres within 12 months).If you will be hiring a vehicle have a close look at the quality of vehicle that they offer and support they will provide.


Check everything one last time before you leave
Pack an additional carry on bag
Route Plan
Be comfy
Make lists a week or two before the trip
Prepare the car
Create a list of things to bring
Pack your suitcase a few days before the trip
Choose the right car
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