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Start small

Start the New Year Fresh


Start small

Are you in one of these two places You have no idea what should be the next step in your career or, You do know, but havent done anything about it yet.Either way it doesnt matter. Now is your time to move forward. Start small. Small steps increase your confidence and lead to completing other small steps. Small steps taken regularly are more effective than larger steps taken inconsistently. Slow and steady wins the race.


Change up your fitness routine
Reevaluate the relationships in your life
Spend 15 minutes thinking about your finances
Look over your New Years Resolution list
Update your resume
Clean out your cupboards and fridge
Create your game plan
Make a list of new things you want to try
Try a new scent
Get rid of the clothes you dont love and dont wear
Clean out your bathroom cabinet
Switch up your surroundings
More ...

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