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Charotar 14gaam Patel

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel


Charotar 14gaam Patel

Patel is the most common surname of the world, People of the 14gaam is from the state of Gujarat, India. Charotar is the rich area with the rich ancient history, culture unlike any other; here we will travel through the history of farmer to Patidar, Patal to Patel. We will explore how the fourteen (chaud gaams) gaams becomes one giants samaj (society). We will walk around the all 14 gaams that include Bhatial, Bhavanipura, Davalpura, Fangani, Gorel, Ishrama, Jesharva, Naman, Rangaipura, Rupiapura, Shahpur, Santokpura, Vadeli and VishramPura. This section of the site will throw light on the past of 14gaam Patidars. It will be flash back as to how our villages came in to being? How it got its name? Who were the first to get settled? When and from where did they come from?..etc...etc.. It will also cover subjects like our Gotra and also regarding our kuldevi.We are looking forward from 14gaam Patidars to come forward and share the history of their gaam.


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Role in Partition
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Why Sardar Patel called the Iron man of India
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The Lion in the Cage
A Friend of the Peasants
We Shall Not Pay
The Man of Steel
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