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Jai Alai foul rules

Rules to play Jai Alai


Jai Alai foul rules

These rules describe the situations when the fouls happen. The foul is committed when: 1) The ball strikes the screen, the wood part of the floor or any other indicated foul area.
2) The ball strikes an overhead screen.
3) A player catches the ball after the second bounce.
4) A player holds the ball longer than allowed time before returning it.
5) A ball bounces off the frontis and falls before an underserve line or beyond an overserve line.
6) A served ball hits a side wall before the front wall (a frontis).
7) A ball hits fault, underserve, overserve and pass lines.
8) A ball hits a cloth of a Jai Alai player.
9) A Jai Alai player fails to catch the ball.
10) A Jai Alai player fails to catch the ball after the first bounce and before the second bounce.


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