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Precautions while using Social Networking Sites

What are social networking sites
What security implications do these sites present
Limit the amount of personal information you post
Remember that the internet is a public resource
Be wary of strangers
Be skeptical
Evaluate your settings
Use strong passwords
Check privacy policies
Use and maintain anti virus software
Limit usage of social networking sites
Personal is personal
Limit viewers
Make sure they are friendly friends
What stays posted
Who would want my photo
Family and friends
Dont post your address online
Dont identify your friends names
Keep some things a secret
Do not check in to different locations
Remove any geotagging dat
Remove any pictures with location data
Main precautions
Check your social media pages regularly
Google your own premises and check the results
Use caution when you click links
Know what youve posted about yourself
Dont trust that a message is really from who it says its from
To avoid giving away email addresses of your friends
your personal bookmarks
Be selective about who you accept as a friend on a social network
Choose your social network carefully
Assume that everything
Be careful about installing extras on your site
Think twice before you use social networking sites at work
Talk to your kids about social networking
Manage your digital footprint
click on the lock
Security and Privacy
Stop websites from tracking you
To avoid being tracked
Useful browser extensions
Dont give optional information
Third level of privacy
Accept only people you know
Be wary of thirdparty applications
Keep software particularly your web browser up to date
Use and maintain antivirus software
Use caution when clicking a link
Be careful who you add as a friend
Use discretion before posting information
Configure privacy settings
Review a sites privacy policy
confidentiality or an individuals breach of privacy
Security and privacy related to social networking site
Beware of TMI
Customize privacy options
Limit work history details on LinkedIn
Dont trust just verify
Control commentsBlogs
Avoid accidentally sharing personal details
Dont violate your companys social networking policies
Learn how sites can use your information
Understand where you show up
Forget the popularity contest
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