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Useful browser extensions

Precautions while using Social Networking Sites


Useful browser extensions

Disconnect: Blocks trackers from popular sites (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari) HTTPS. Everywhere: Redirects to secure (HTTPS) versions of sites where possible (Chrome, Firefox). Adblock Plus: Blocks intrusive ads (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari).


Who would want my photo
Forget the popularity contest
Third level of privacy
What stays posted
Make sure they are friendly friends
Remove any geotagging dat
Understand where you show up
Limit viewers
Control commentsBlogs
Manage your digital footprint
Do not check in to different locations
What are social networking sites
More ...

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The Worlds Highest Paid Athletes
Republic Day
Creating Comic Pop Art
Amazing Rangoli Designs And Patterns
Simply Mocktails
Greatest NBA Players of All Time
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Xmas Party Ideas
Sunil Gavaskar
Unique Potato Chips Flavors
Photography Essentials
Pink Lakes of the World
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