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Precautions while using Skype



The day before your sitter is to arrive, make sure to print out any email addresses or phone numbers they may need. Include the best numbers to reach you, the number of your veterinarian, and an emergency contact that lives nearby. If you will be staying in a hotel, include its name and phone number in case you cannot be reached on your cellphone. Include clear, detailed instructions on feeding your pets, and how to administer any medications. Dont leave any stone unturned!
Finally, if possible, contact a neighbor you know and trust. Leave them your contact information and the dates you will be away, as well as a spare key in case of emergency. This person can monitor the comings and goings of the sitter and report if there is any suspicious activity.


Practice speaking
Make sure its quiet
Do not reveal your password or credit card number
Check in regularly
Pay attention to your physical background
Mind the background
Is skype safe
Stay Private on Skype
Remember that the camera is the eye
Pay attention to the lighting
Get dressed
Remember to look into the camera
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