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Precautions while using Shampoo



During the early stages of shampoo, English hair stylists boiled shaved soap in water and added herbs to give the hair shine and fragrance. Kasey Hebert was the first known maker of shampoo, and the origin is currently attributed to him. Commercially made shampoo was available from the turn of the 20th century. A 1914 ad for Canthrox Shampoo in American Magazine showed young women at camp washing their hair with Canthrox in a lake; magazine ads in 1914 by Rexall featured Harmony Hair Beautifier and Shampoo.


Add a few drops of essential oil
Not all ingredients are created equally
Jelly and gel
Colored hair
What other drugs could interact with Nizoral Shampoo
Don t expect the same results as in shampoo commercials
Shampoo is not the most important part of washing
Post marketing Experience
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