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Connect to the site with caution

Precautions while using Facebook


Connect to the site with caution

Address of your networking site directly into your browser or use your personal bookmarks. Clicking a link to your site through an e mail or another website may lead you to enter your account name and password into a fake site set up to steal your personal information. Unscrupulous individuals use such sites to steal identities, stalk, spread viruses, form hate communities and hatch crime plans. You need to minimise your exposure to risks by taking reasonable precautions. Remember to practice safe social networking and you can fearlessly tap into the huge possibilities of a networked world.


Understand Facebooks security settings and use them
Beware of those applications
Use your common sense
Keep changing your password often
What stays posted
Consider restricting access to your profile
Dont post information that makes you vulnerable to a physical attack
Be sure to keep your house clean
Turn on Login Notifications
Create a Facebook Security Question
Be careful not to provide too much information
Turn on Facebook Secure Browsing
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