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Use the correct side of the reflector

Portrait Photography tips for Beginners


Use the correct side of the reflector

5 in 1 reflectors are both cheap and incredibly useful for portrait photography. Still, most photographers buy one and have no idea when to use the different sides. You canread more about what side of the reflector to use, but the basic idea is that the translucent side goes between the sun and the model, the white side is for use in studio or bright light, the silver side is for low light or when you need a lot of light, the black side is to subtract light and cause a shadow, and the gold side is useful for warm shots like sunsets.


Use the right tool for the job
Get out of the model s face
Set your picture style to portrait even if shooting in RAW
Superglue your camera to your hand
Wait for a cloudy day
Consider giving the subject space to look into
Stop re living your mistakes
Contrast clothes and environment
Use framing in a creative way
Don t be a DSLR snob
Soften your on camera flash
Be yourself and shoot what you love
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