Anger is only a problem when you openly express it
Myth about Anger
Anger is only a problem when you openly express it
10 percent of people act out their feelings when they get angry. The other 90 percent either suppress their anger ( I don t want to talk about it! ) or repress their anger ( I m not angry at all really! ). People who express their anger are the squeaky wheels who get everyone s attention; people who repress or suppress their anger need anger management just as much.The older you get, the more irritable you are. It s the other way around as people age, they report fewer negative emotions and greater emotional control. People like wine and cheese do tend to improve with age.
Anger management programs are briefer
Isolated occurrence due to anger or stress
Domestic violence abusers can t control their anger
Anger in an aggressive way people listen and I gain respect
Anger is all in the mind
Anger and Disappointment
Conflict frustration and anger cause violence
Venting anger is always desirable
Anger is good
Domestic violence is not really that serious
Anger results from human conflict
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