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The best way to integrate your new child is to return to normal life

Myth about Adoption


The best way to integrate your new child is to return to normal life

We learned to shrink our world, which meant limiting the people we were around, our activities outside of the home, and even our boys exposure to extended family and close friends Everything changed This might upset others, but the preference needs to be given to your new child Form your new normal life around your immediate family and a consistent routine


People adopt to save a child
A birthparent will never know anything about her child
Adoption is an irresponsible act and women who choose adoption take the easy way out
No one can love a child as much as a birth mother or birth father does
Only married couples with a stay at home parent can adopt children from foster care
The Hope of Being Adopted
A birthparent will forget about the child released for adoption
The Adoption Process Takes Many Years
Do I need experience of looking after children
Open adoption causes problems for children
Birth mothers are all teenagers
You should wait to tell your child that he or she is adopted until he or she is old enough to understand
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