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Dinakaran is a Tamil daily newspaper distributed in India. As of March 2010, Dinakaran is the largest Tamil daily newspaper in terms of net paid circulation, which was 1,235,220. In terms of total readership, which was 16,741,000 as of May 2010, it is the second largest. Dinakaran is published from 12 centres in India namely Chennai, Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Salem, Nagercoil, Vellore, Nellai and Pondicherry.


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Rajasthan Patrika
The Dong a Ilbo
Chunichi Shimbun
Reference News
Anandabazar Patrika
Dainik Bhaskar
Amar Ujala
Daily Star
Punjab Kesari
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