The Dong a Ilbo
Most Popular Newspaper In The World
The Dong a Ilbo
The Dong A Ilbo is the leading newspaper in Korea since 1920 with daily circulation of more than 1.2 million and opinion leaders as its main readers.The Dong A Ilbo is the parent company of Dong A Media Group (DAMG), which is composed of 11 affiliates including Sports Dong A, Dong A Science, DUNet, and, as well as Channel A, general service cable broadcasting company launched in December 1, 2011. It covers variety of areas including news, drama, entertainment, sports, education, and movies 24 hours a day.The Dong A Ilbo has partnered with international news companies such as The New York Times of the United States of America, The Asahi Shimbun of Japan and The Peoples Daily of China. It has correspondents stationed in five major cities worldwide including Washington D.C., New York, Beijing, Tokyo and Paris. It also publishes global editions in 90 cities worldwide including New York, London, Paris and Frankfurt.