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Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga


Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is an ancient and powerful system of meditation, which promises perfect health, peace of mind and a stressfree life. The people of India have practiced it for many centuries under the guidance of trained teachers. Kriya Yoga approaches the study of the Self with a sense of reflection and introspection so that the spiritual traveler may understand the conditions of his her mind. The everchanging mind is the biggest barrier to calmness and selfrealization.Kriya Yoga is the ancient path of Soulculture and spiritual life. The life of the entire creation is breath. The life force of the entire creation is God Himself. The entire creation is permeated and pervaded with His presence. Without God, there is nothing. Everything is born in God, lives in God and merges with God like waves in the ocean.The soul is immortal, deathless, pure and divine. Because of the Soul, the body is alive, beautiful and active. Through the Soul, man does many types of work. Work in Sanskrit is derived from the root Kri. Kri means to do and Ya means the Soul. All work is done by the power of God, the living life of God, the breath; this is Kriya.


Benefits of Kriya Yoga
Breath and Mind
Science and Spiritual Life
Eradicate Bad Mental Habits and Karma
Preparing the Field
Lineage of Kriya Yoga Gurus
The Tradition of Kriya Yoga
Open Oneself to the Blessings of God
Kriya Yoga
Spiritual Growth
Kri and Ya
Mind Control
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