Join Organizations That Can Help You
Ideas to Boost Business
Join Organizations That Can Help You
a. Most industries have organizations that support that industry.
For Example: Your local video store may be a member of the V.S.D.A. Video Software Dealers Association .
b. I wonder where we can find a list of these organizations? The library, perhaps.
c. Talking to people in the same industry can give you a good idea of what to try and not try in business promotion. There is always someone at these meetings who can help you succeed. The organization exists to benefit your business or product.
d. Many organizations have conventions that are closed to the general public. The Video Software Dealers have one of the largest conventions in Las Vegas every year sorry, Video Dealers only . Conventions are a gold mine of good information.
Use The Service Organizations You Belong To
Holidays and Special Events on the Web
So It Must Be Important To Our Customers
Is Bigger Better
Be Consistent And Committed
Direct Mail
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Make It Easy
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Know Your Audience
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