how to maintain good hygiene

How to Maintain Good Hygiene

Proper hygiene is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle.
21. Oral Hygiene
Keeping your teeth, tongue and gums clean takes more than a rinse with mouth wash or the occasional brush. Your mouth is a considerable breeding ground for bacteria, and a transfer station for sending harmful bacteria throughout your bodys system. According to research by Dr. Weston A. Price, cited in the book, Root Canal Cover-Up, bacteria trapped in teeth can travel throughout the body, infecting organs, glands and tissue and can damage the kidneys, eyes, heart, brain and joints. In addition to thorough brushing, floss frequently to remove food lodged between teeth. Flossing also helps strengthen gums. Brush your tongue and gums, as well as your teeth, twice a day, to remove harmful bacteria and promote fresh breath.
22. Menstrual Hygiene
Using the proper pads, tampons, cups or caps during menstruation is imperative to maintaining good hygiene for women. Changing items within their recommended use time increases their effectiveness and decreases sanitary problems and the chance of toxic shock. Proper and immediate disposal of menstrual products ensures no other humans or pets will be exposed to them.
23. Foot Care
Athletes foot is caused by a fungus which thrives in warm, damp places. Wearing shoes without socks increases your chance of contracting this fungus. Athletes who do not change their wet socks after they are done with sports also run the risk of picking up this affliction. If you play recreational sports, consider bringing an extra pair of socks to your game or match so you can keep your feet dry if the team or foursome goes out for pizza or a beer after the nights activity. If you wear shoes without socks, line the shoes with an absorbent pad and/or use foot powder each time you wear them.
24. Wellness implications
Skipping any cleanliness practice even for a day or even more can lead you to a higher risk of being a target to different ailments. If the fingers are not washed with cleaning soap after visiting the bathroom and also you directly get involved in food preparation, you might expose others to various contagious diseases. Additionally, skipping bathrooms also increases infection danger. Therefore, it is important to develop great personal hygiene is helpful in reducing the likelihood of falling sick.
25. Attractiveness
The actual quotient of personal attractiveness can be enhanced through good personal hygiene methods like brushing the teeth, getting regular showers, taking a mind wash, and regular utilization of a deodorant. Being thoroughly clean as well as free from smells makes it much simpler for others to get acquainted with a person. Being cautious with your cleanliness requirements also makes you aware of the appearances. Feeling physically great enables you to look at yourself within an optimistic way.
26. Self esteem
Being clean and hygienic supplies a much better feeling about you than the one experienced while becoming dirty. Furthermore, you get better reactions to a hygienic as well as clean appearance thus obtaining a raise in your self-esteem.
27. Social approval
Proper hygiene is quite crucial for social acceptance. This is because no one likes being about a dirty or unhygienic individual. Kids who do not follow great hygiene practices become the focus on of other kids fun as well as bullying.
28. Body Image
Body image influences self-esteem, confidence and motivation. Those who already have low self esteem and especially those with depression often neglect personal hygiene which perpetuates the problem of poor body image.Many forms of modern media including magazines, fashion, TV, film and the internet present a certain body image as being acceptable or expected. Young children and teenagers are especially influenced by this; physical appearance being the ultimate factor by which to judge and be judged.
29. Social Reasons
Most people hate to be talked about, especially in a negative manner. By ensuring that our body is clean and well presented, we are more assured of projecting a positive body image that reflects our personalities.Children should be taught the importance of hygiene and how to achieve good hygiene very early to keep themselves and others healthy and to reduce the risk of being bullied at school.
30. Health Reasons
Poor hygiene can lead to poor health. If you have cut yourself, the wound should be cleaned and dressed suitably, this can help reduced the risk of infection and pain.Conditions such as head lice, athletes foot etc. should be treated immediately to prevent further infections and spread to others.Hand washing cannot be emphasised enough as this simple action can prevent a plethora of illnesses and disorders developing. Many people forget to wash their hands after using the toilet or before handling foods; this can cause a great deal of illness and even death.