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Have a young attitude

How to Look Younger


Have a young attitude

Seriously. Part of looking young is having a fun, carefree attitude. This doesnt mean that you should be immature, dance on tables, or make fun of people like you re in the sixth grade. It does mean that you should be positive, friendly, and avoid jealousy, resentment, or any other feelings that make you feel like you re turning into an old lady.Stop worrying as much as you can and go out there and enjoy the world. You ll be too busy having fun to worry about how you look.Be proud of your age. Stay positive about how you look, even if you wish you could look a little younger, and other people will see your looks in a more positive light.


Do yoga
Get lots of sleep
Eat food that makes you look younger
Don t smoke
Accessorize correctly
Wear pink grapefruit scented perfume
Reduce stress as much as you can
Have a young attitude
Maintain healthy teeth
Stay hydrated
Manage your facial hair
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