how to look younger

How to Look Younger

Look younger, You can't stop time, you can turn back the clock to achieve more youthfullooking hair
1. Choose a gentle facial cleanser
Aging skin doesn t need harsh products like the ones teenagers often need to use, as there isn t usually any excess oil. If your cleanser is too harsh, it will be stripping your skin of its natural oils, and therefore drying out the skin and causing it to age more quickly. Look for ones that are aimed at your age group, or ones that describe themselves as gentle or moisturizing. Women should moisturize their faces any time before they wear make up.
2. Moisturize after cleansing
It s important to give your skin a moisture boost so that it can look after itself. Dry skin ages more quickly if it s not moisturized. Look for anti aging moisturizers with a high percentage of their active ingredient. If in doubt about which to buy (there are hundreds on the market), try looking at reviews or try to find scientific research supporting the product. Make sure that the product you decide on is rich and deeply moisturizing, unlike the ones you may have used in your younger years.And remember, moisturizing is not just for women, there are plenty of similar products on the market aimed at men.
3. Use sun protection daily
There are many moisturizers which already contain SPF protection in them, and this is because it is vital to protect your skin from harmful UV rays every day in order to avoid sun damage. The sun is one of the main things that causes premature aging, so dermatologists recommend that you should wear at least SPF 15 daily to avoid wrinkles, brown spots and a dull complexion. As well as this, it will protect you from skin cancer.You can put sun screen not just on your face, but on your chest and the tops of your hands, if you re just going to be out in the sun for a little while. This will prevent those spots on your chest and hands. If you re going to really be out in the sun, though, then you ll need to put sunscreen all over your body.
4. Exfoliate your skin
Gently exfoliating encourages skin cell renewal, therefore encouraging younger looking skin. Choose something that is aimed at older skin as they are more gentle and less likely to dry out or damage the skin. Exfoliation is also good to do as it leaves your skin feeling softer and looking brighter.
5. Manage your facial hair
For men, this will make you look better groomed and less scruffy allowing you to look good with age, and for women this will hide this side effect of aging. Here are some things to keep in mind for each gender.
6. Men
Keep your face clean shaven or neatly trimmed, and always trim your nose and ear hair. You can buy nose hair trimmers at your local pharmacy and it
7. Women
Facial hair can sometimes appear in women after the menopause due to a change in hormone levels. To get rid of this, and therefore hide your age a little better, there are a few easy ways to keep it away including laser removal, waxing, depilatory/hair removal cream and threading.Women should also make sure to keep their eyebrows looking pretty thick. As you get older, your eyebrows may start to thin out, so make sure to color them in with a pencil that matches the color of your eyebrows so you continue to look youthful.
8. Wear makeup that makes you look more youthful
There are dozens of make up tricks that can help women make their features continue to stand out as well as to hide the signs of aging. The trick is to hide those blemishes while emphasizing your best features, such as your eyes. Here are some tricks to try.Make sure you use a creamy concealer. Any concealer that is waxy or that can get cakey can actually make you look older.
9. Maintain healthy teeth
Good teeth can immediately make you look younger and more attractive. Make sure you have a good tooth care routine, this should include brushing, flossing and using mouth wash. If your teeth aren t white enough, or if you have problems with your teeth, go to your dentist for advice. You could have professional whitening, or if you have problems such as decay, wonky teeth or stained teeth you could get these things treated.There are also over the counter whitening products which can also be effective, although you might want to talk to your dentist for advice beforehand.Teeth can give away your real age more than any other part of your body, so start early with your total teeth care routine.
10. Cover up your greys
This isn t for everyone, as some people love to rock their grey or peppery hair. However, many people want to get rid of grey hair, and there are many hair dyes on the market that can tackle it. It s best to choose a color that is fairly similar to what your natural hair color was so that it appears more natural. You could choose to get your hair dyed at a salon, or you could choose the cheaper option and buy an at home hair dying kit. You must remember, however, that all hair dye is damaging to the hair, so avoid dying it too often, and use products designed to care for damaged or dyed hair.