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Make your smile genuine

Healthy Smiley Face


Make your smile genuine

While it is perfectly possible to crack a smile when you feel terrible, angry, annoyed, or youre up to something nefarious, smiling under these circumstances will make people wary of you. A genuine smile is much harder to fake. A genuine smile is detectable by others because it is accompanied by a general glow, smiling eyes where the outer corners crinkle and the lower lid tightens, and a reassuring demeanor that helps the viewer to feel more at ease in your presence. Heres how to smile more genuinely Dont smile when you just arent feeling it. It will give others the impression that you cant be trusted. Its ok not to smile all day long. Remember how it feels when you do crack a genuine smile. Try to regain that feeling each time you smile.


Always be flexible
Smile with your eyes
Smile out of love
Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
Smiling Releases Endorphins Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
Smiling Changes Our Mood
Find healthy escapes
Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
Smile when you feel good
Enjoy the many benefits of a smile
Smiling Makes Us Attractive
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