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Find healthy escapes

Healthy Smiley Face


Find healthy escapes

Sometimes life is just too much to deal with. We need to a place where we can feel safe and are able to think clearly. Whether its a hobby, location or just an experience, find that place where you can get away from the trials of life so you can rest and recoup to go back out and hit things head on. Just make sure it is a healthy escape. It can be tempting to escape into those places that are hard to come back from. You will know it when you are in it. Just be clear with yourself that you will only stay if it is truly beneficial to you life.


Be prepared to take a step back
Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
Smiling Relieves Stress
Find healthy escapes
Practice smiling a lot
Appreciate the things you have
Smiling Makes Us Attractive
Stay focused on the positive
Smile out of love
Make your smile genuine
Never lose the kid in you
Smiling Changes Our Mood
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