Healthy Knee
21. Bridge
Targets Glutes, hamstrings, and trunk, including lower back and abdominal muscles. Cues Lie flat on back, with arms by sides, palms up. Both knees are bent, feet flat on the floor. Using abdominal and gluteal muscles, slowly lift trunk and hips off floor with a smooth, controlled motion. Squeeze buttocks at the top, then slowly lower. Keep pressure on the shoulders, not on the head, and do not push with the hands. If you feel cramping in the hamstrings, youll know theyre working too hard; lower slightly to relieve that tightening. Repeat 8 to 12 times, working up to two sets. to advance Hold the up position for a 35 count.
22. Single Calf Raise
argets Ankle stability is critical to proper knee alignment. This move builds calf strength and ankle stability, as well as body coordination and balance. Cues Hold onto a chair or support yourself against a wall, and lift right leg into a hamstring curl (shin parallel to the ground); extend left ankle and lift body on the toes. Slowly lower and repeat 8 to 12 times.Finishing stretch Step forward with right leg, keeping left leg straight and left heel on the ground, for a gentle calf stretch. Hold for 6 to 8 slow, deep breaths; then repeat exercise and stretch on the other side. Do two sets on each side.To advance Add a third set, placing hands on hips for balance.
23. Quadriceps Stretch
Targets Quadriceps, hip flexors. Cues Lying on side, with hips and shoulders stacked, pull the top foot toward the buttocks with the top hand. If you have trouble, use a towel or T-shirt to extend grip; foot does not have to reach buttocks; pull to the point of feeling a gentle stretch, not pain. Keep knees in alignment, then slowly pull top knee back behind the other knee, while maintaining stacked hip. Hold for 6 to 8 slow, deep breaths. Repeat 2 to 3 times on each side.
24. Modified Hurdlers Stretch
Targets Hamstrings, gluteal muscles, lower back. Cues While seated, extend one leg straight (do not lock knee) and place bottom of the other foot against that knee. Holding shoulders and hips square and back straight, slowly lower torso toward straight leg. Do not collapse through chest or round the back. Gentle pressure on the bent leg will stretch the inner thigh. Hold for 6 to 8 slow, deep breaths; repeat 2 to 3 times on each keep your knees healthy, follow these tips from our trainer.
25. On your bike
Exercise regularly. Joints, and especially knees, dont like inactivity. Some types of exercise are particularly good for your knees for instance, cycling is better than running but the most important thing is to do something you enjoy, because thats the only way youll stick to any sort of exercise regime. So if running is the thing you love and nothing else will do, go for it. Alongside that, keep your weight under control, because the heavier you are, the more strain on your knees and of course exercise will help with that. Its also important to stick to a healthy diet not just as a weight-loss strategy, but because you need to give your joints the benefits of all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients they need.
26. Tailor your routines
If you get the odd twinge or niggle, look at the kind of exercise youre doing and ask yourself some questions. Is this actually the right activity for you? If youre quite sure it is, the first thing you need to check is that youre using the right equipment and doing it at the right pace, because people get more injuries from pushing themselves with the wrong equipment than from anything else. Are you perhaps doing too much
27. Rest up
If youre having knee problems and there isnt an obvious reason like the wrong equipment, give yourself a rest a couple of exercise-free weeks should do it. If that doesnt make any difference, its probably time to start investigating further. And if your knee stays painful or even gets worse, you definitely shouldnt just ignore it and try to run through the pain youll just get yourself into a lot more trouble.
28. Be aware
There are a few warning signs to look out for if your knee swells up, or keeps giving way, or gets stuck and locked in position, think about getting help. There are lots of resources, virtual and real, out there, from physiotherapists to podiatrists.
29. If you should fall
Falls, especially falls where you know straightaway that youve twisted your knee, are another potentially alarming scenario. If you can manage to walk home, see if it settles down after a while. If you still cant bear weight on it at all, thats a definite sign that something is wrong and needs attention.
30. First try non surgical options
When it comes to treatments, theres a range of different strategies out there. First of all, a lot can be sorted out by using the right exercises to strengthen the parts of the knee that need it so in that case, you need a proper exercise programme. Sometimes people need a bit more a short course of anti-inflammatory medication or injections to settle the wear and tear. Local anaesthetics can help too.
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