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Ranunculus Acris Flore Pleno



Ranunculus Acris Flore Pleno

In giving a representation of this species of Ranunculus, we have made a slight deviation from the strict letter of our plan, as expressed in the title page, which confines us to the figuring of foreign plants only, we have thought, however, that it would not be inconsistent with the spirit of the Flower Garden Displayed, were we occasionally to introduce such English plants as have double flowers, and which, on that account, are thought worthy of a place in every garden, they are but few in number, and we flatter ourselves that this trifling alteration will be approved by our numerous readers.

The Ranunculus acris is the first that we offer of these, a plant, in its wild and single state, common in all our rich meadows, and in its improved, or to speak more botanically, in its monstrous state (all double flowers being monsters, for the most part formed from the preternatural multiplication of their petals) it has long been cultivated in gardens abroad, as well as here.

There are certain ornamental plants of the perennial kind, which, if once introduced, will succeed with the least possible trouble, and therefore suit such as have little time to bestow on their flower gardens, the present plant is one of those if the soil in which we plant it be moist, it will grow most readily, and flower during the months of June and July, and it is easily increased, by parting its roots in autumn.


Arabis Alpina
Cytisus Laburnum
Alyssum Deltoideum
Glycine Coccinea
Turnera Angustifolia
Rubus Arcticus
Iris Variegata Variegated Iris
Ornithogalum Aureum
Fuchsia Coccinea
Pelargonium Cordifolium
Primula Villosa Mountain Primula
Celsia Linearis
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