Arabis Alpina
Arabis Alpina
An early blowing plant, if it has no great pretensions to beauty, brings with it a powerful recommendation, more especially if its flowers are not of the more common hue, such are the claims which the present plant has to a place in this work it is perennial, hardy, herbaceous, of low growth, rarely exceeding a foot in height, producing its white blossoms in April and May its size renders it a suitable plant for the border of a small garden, or for the covering of rock work.It is readily increased by parting its roots in autumn.Grows spontaneously on the Alps of Switzerland, Austria, and Lapland, and was cultivated (vid. Hort. Kew) in the Botanic Garden at Oxford, in 1658.
Soldanella Alpina
Cypripedium Acaule
Lilium Catesb i
Lupinus Perennis
Cynoglossum Omphalodes Blue Navelwort
Lysimachia Bulbifera
Gladiolus Communis
Glycine Coccinea
Coronilla Varia
Campanula Grandiflora
Borbonia Crenata
Erica Cerinthoides
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