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Phlox Divaricata



Phlox Divaricata

Most of the plants of this genus are natives of North America, and remarkable for their beauty, they were first introduced under the name of Lychnidea, which, though a Latin term, is now familiarized to the English ear.Mr. Aiton has given to this species the name of early flowering, it coming much sooner into blossom than any of the others, beginning to flower in May with the yellow Alyssum, its blossoms, however, are not of so long duration, nor so ornamental as some others of the same family.It seldom exceeds a foot in height, and, on this account, may be regarded as a suitable rock plant.It rarely ripens its seeds with us, but is readily increased either by cuttings or layers, succeeds best in a pure air and a situation moderately dry.Like most other American plants, it is of modern introduction, was cultivated by Mr. Miller, in 1758, and figured in his Icones.


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