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Narcissus odorus



Narcissus odorus

We shall be thought, perhaps, too partial to this tribe of plants, this being the fifth species now figured, but it should be remembered, that as the spring does not afford that variety of flowers which the summer does, we are more limited in our choice, the flowers of this delightful season have also greater claims to our notice, they present themselves with double charms.This species, which, as its name implies, possesses more fragrance than many of the others, is a native of the South of Europe, flowers in the open border in April, is a hardy perennial, thriving in almost any soil or situation, but succeeds best in a loamy soil and eastern exposure. Varies with double flowers, in which slate it is often used for forcing.No notice is taken of this species by Miller, except as a variety of the N. Jonquilla, from which it differs toto calo.


Helleborus Niger Black Hellebore or Christmas Rose
Jasminum Odoratissimum
Iris Persica Persian Iris
Salvia Aurea
Buchnera Viscosa
Cistus Incanus
Cistus Formosus
Statice Sinuata
Plumeria Rubra
Iris Versicolor Particoloured Iris
Calceolaria Pinnata
Coronilla Varia
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