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Adonis Vernalis



Adonis Vernalis

Of this plant Linnaeus makes two species, viz. the vernalis and appennina, differing in their specific character merely in the number of their petals, which are found to vary from situation and culture, as the first name taken from its time of flowering is the most expressive, we have followed Mr. Miller and Mr. Aiton in adopting it.It is an old inhabitant of the English gardens, and a most desirable one, as it flowers in the spring, produces fine shewy blossoms, which expand wide when exposed to the sun, is hardy and readily cultivated.Grows wild on the mountainous pastures of some parts of Germany.It may be increased by parting its roots in Autumn or Spring, or by seed. Miller recommends the latter mode.


Mesembryanthemum Bicolorum
Scabiosa Atropurpurea
Oxalis Caprina
Salvia Aurea
Franklins Tartar
Antirrhinum Purpureum
Reseda Odorata Sweet scented Reseda or Mignonette
Geranium Lanceolatum
Ferraria Undulata
Iris Versicolor Particoloured Iris
Lupinus Luteus
Helleborus Niger Black Hellebore or Christmas Rose
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