Buchnera Viscosa
Buchnera Viscosa
Buchnera is a genus of plants established by Linn?us in honour of A. E. Buchner, a German naturalist.Of this genus, nine species are enumerated in the 14th edition of the Systema Vegetabilium, by Professor Murray.We learn from Mr. Aiton, that the present species (a native of the Cape) was introduced to the royal garden at Kew in 1774.It cannot boast much beauty, yet as it occupies but little room, grows readily from cuttings, and flowers during most of the summer it obtains a place in most greenhouses.
Convolvulus Nil
Amaryllis Atamasco
Dianthus Barbatus
Primula Acaulis Fl
Primula Marginata
Clematis Integrifolia
Pyrus Spectabilis
Vinca Rosea
Selago Ovata
Fumaria Cava
Borbonia Crenata
Lavatera Trimestris
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