Borbonia Crenata

Borbonia Crenata
Borbonia is a genus of plants established by Linn?us in the 6th edition of his Genera Plantarum, of this genus there are six species enumerated in the 3d edition of the Species Plant. and two in the Hort. Kew. the latter of which, the crenata, introduced from the Cape by Mr. Masson, in 1774, is here figured.It is a small shrubby plant, rarely exceeding the height of three feet, producing its flowers in a small cluster on the summits of the branches, these are of a yellow colour, and have nothing about them peculiarly singular, or beautiful, it is the foliage alone which renders this plant desirable in a collection.It flowers from June to August, and in favourable seasons ripens its seeds, by which the plant is usually propagated.

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