Be Prepared
Eating Secrets to Help You Lose Weight
Be Prepared
Planning ahead and being prepared is most important when you re working on eating healthy foods in the correct portions. Deciding your weekly menu and shopping in advance will arm you for success. Prepare your meals and snacks for the week on Sunday, and portion them out in your refrigerator in containers. You can hard boil six or seven eggs and keep them in the refrigerator for breakfasts or snacks. Or cook up a large batch of steel cut long cooking oats (since this variety contains the most nutrients) on Sunday, and measure it into single portion sizes in bowls covered with plastic wrap in your refrigerator. You can reheat these in one minute in the microwave each morning before work. You can also grill up a bunch of chicken breast, tofu or fish and portion it along with steamed asparagus, broccoli or green beans into containers for lunches, dinners and snacks.