days of christmas health and fitness

Days Of Christmas Health And Fitness

Days Of Christmas Health And Fitness
11. Dont Skip Meals
Studies show that a healthy breakfast can help maintain a healthy body weight. Eating a healthy, protein and grain laden breakfast during the holiday season may reduce the chance of unhealthy overindulgence later on at parties.
12. Dangerous Buffets
Buffet tables, loaded with your favorite high calories snacks, can make it hard to remain on track during the holiday season. Eating a salad before leaving the house ensures you have already front?loaded on good nutrition, and reduces the chance of overindulging at the buffet table. Load up with veggies and fruit before moving on to less healthy options. Don t hover by the buffet ? sit down. Allow yourself to enjoy your food before you even think of going up for seconds.
13. Deprivation Is Not The Answer
Don t doom your diet by going cold?turkey when faced by Christmas goodies. Stay positive. Think of treats as mad money. Would you waste mad money on something that you can buy anytime? No. So why waste your mad calories on store bought cookies when you can blow them on, say, that slice of amazing, once?a?year Christmas cake instead? Spend your mad money calories wisely.
14. The Off Switch
We all have our favorite Christmas T.V. movies, but try not to eat or snack while watching them. Paying attention to your favorite show often means not paying attention to what, or how much, you are eating. Eat your meals at a table. Turn off the T.V.
15. Give It Back
In Charles Dickens morality tale, A Christmas Carol, Scrooge learns that Christmas is as much about giving as receiving. Altruism ? defined as a concern for the welfare of others ? lies at the heart of Christmas, making it the perfect time to give back to those less fortunate. According to scientific studies, altruistic acts increase feelings of emotional well?being in the giver, making them feel healthier, happier, and less stressed. Spread Christmas cheer by volunteering at the charity of your choice. Just be careful not to allow yourself to become overwhelmed.
16. Think Outside The Christmas Box
Christmas celebrations need not focus on food and drink. Here in Louisiana, we are blessed with advent calendar of amazing events, ranging from the bonfires along the Mississippi that light the way for Papa Noel, to City Park s Celebration in The Oaks, and Christmas Caroling in Jackson Square. Share with family and friends that most precious of Christmas gifts memories.
17. Pets
Not many pets pull a sleigh, but they do gift their owners with a number of proven health benefits, ranging from increased physical exercise to mental and emotional support. But remember, pets are not just for Christmas. Be a responsible pet owner.
18. Say No
Don t over?commit yourself. Learn to say no to parties to overspending to unwanted guests to unwanted travel. Know your limits and stick to them.
19. Clean Hands
Holidays are no time to get sick. Washing your hands regularly with soap and water kills germs that cause the common cold, influenza, pneumonia, hepatitis A, acute gastroenteritis, and stomach infections such as norovirus, salmonella, and campylobacter.
20. Go Meatless
According the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), vegetarians have a lower risk of developing heart disease, certain kinds of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Going meatless just one day a week can lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Why not make meat?free days part of your Christmas?