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The Spectacular SpiderMan

Controversial Trivia of Cartoon Characters


The Spectacular SpiderMan

The Spectacular SpiderMan was developed for television by Greg Weisman and Victor Cook which is often referred to as the greatest SpiderMan cartoon ever made. After publishing The Night Gwen Stacy Diedon 1973, SpiderMan Animated Series adopted the story in the episode, Turning Pointwhere Gwen was replaced by Mary Jane. The Spectacular SpiderMan was acclaimed for its crisp dialogue and reintroduction of countless famous characters from the SpiderMan universe while still remaining loyal to the original comics. It introduced some characters that would normally be disqualified from childrens programming, such as Black Cat concealed in a skintight, revealing uniform. The thing gets a little messy for its 10 years old target audience in one episode, in which Peter Parker hits high school. We all were curious to see tissues in his room, and then something splendid happens while he is chasing Black Cat around a warehouse. While spraying his web all over, he hears Catwoman saying You better not get your goop in my hair.And he replies Dont worry; it comes off with ice or peanut butter.Lets leave the rest to the imagination.


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