Controversial Trivia of Cartoon Characters
Madagascar, a famous animated film, directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath, was released in movie theaters on May 27, 2005. This is the film in which pineapples grow on trees in the jungle, whereas, in reality, pineapples grow on the ground. If you carefully watch the scene where Skipper, the talking monkey reads a newspaper, you will notice that the newspaper is the comic itself. There is no real way to do that if you want to use a certain offensive synonym of ?poop in any animated movies for children. But, to salute the amazing naughtiness of the voice of Ben Stiller, Chris Rock and David Schwimmer behind those amazing animals, scriptwriter, Mark Burton, Billy Frolick, Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath came up with a great idea. In one particular scene where Alex, the famous lion character, voiced by Ben, and Marty the zebra, voiced by Chris, are running towards each other on the beach while theme music of Chariots of Fire playing in the air, Marty somehow manages to understand the notsoloving run of Alex towards him and suddenly switches direction while yelling Sugar Honey Iced Tea. So, why was the Sugar Honey Iced Tea used there as an expressive outcome? Try to figure out the original word by reading only the first alphabets.