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Jackman also worked as a party clown charging dollar 50 per show

Celebrities Who Had Unbelievable Jobs


Jackman also worked as a party clown charging dollar 50 per show

The English origin Aussie star Hugh Jackman made a living by dressing up as a clown at childrens parties for almost three years. Not only that, he also worked in restaurants and gas stations. Until he got his first television break in the year 1995, in an Australian prison based drama Correlli. Later on he had his big break ironically playing a celebrated magician in Christopher Nolans The Prestige. As confessed to In the News, Jackman stated that he earned close to $50 per party working as a professional clown. He revealed that he played Coco and knew no magic tricks.


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Jackman also worked as a party clown charging dollar 50 per show
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