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Reflect on Your Likes and Dislikes Needs and Wants

Carrer Success Tips


Reflect on Your Likes and Dislikes Needs and Wants

Change is a factor of life, everybody changes, as do our likes and dislikes. Something we loved doing two years ago may now give us displeasure. So always take time to reflect on the things in your life not just in your job that you feel most strongly about.Make a two column list of your major likes and dislikes. Then use this list to examine your current job and career path. If your job and career still fall mostly in the like column, then you know you are still on the right path, however, if your job activities fall mostly in the dislike column, now is the time to begin examining new jobs and new careers.Finally, take the time to really think about what it is you want or need from your work, from your career. Are you looking to make a difference in the world? To be famous? To become financially independent? To effect change? Take the time to understand the motives that drive your sense of success and happiness.


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