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Talk with your hands

Carrer Success Tips


Talk with your hands

Brain imaging has shown that a region called Brocas area, which is important for speech production, is active not only when were talking, but also when we wave our hands. Since gesture is integrally linked to speech, gesturing as you talk can actually power up your thinking. Whenever I encourage clients to incorporate gestures into their deliveries, I find that their verbal content improves, their speech is less hesitant, and their use of fillers (ums and uhs) decreases. Experiment with this and youll find that the physical act of gesturing helps you form clearer thoughts and speak in tighter sentences with more declarative language.


Dont be afraid to ask questions
Dont Be Afraid to Ask for Help
Examine Your Pastimes and Hobbies
Set Career and Job Goals
Widen your stance
Strike a Power Pose
Be on time
Use open gestures
Choose Your Occupation Wisely
Beware of Blunders
Own Your Mistakes
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